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How to buy ERC20 tokens?


Step 1

Connect your ERC20 Wallet on
 Pancake Swap

*How to Connecting your MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain

Step 2

Paste and add ERC20 Binance smart chain contract address 


Step 3

Swap your BNB or tokens any time

Step 4

If you want buy ERC20 for ETH or BTC use exchange or Uniswap

Our Exchanges

There are several ways you can buy ERC20

We are working daily to increase the number of exchanges options and platforms. You can search for up-to-date purchase methods on ERC20 profile at CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko.
You can also always buy coins through Metamask at a very competitive price.

where you will keep your ERC20 before go to exchange.

Use a ERC20 Exchange

Visit one of the platforms below you will find there the list of exchanges where you can buy ERC20. Also there you can see the price, dynamics, graphics and more.

Every exchange have a guide how to use their platform. Please note each exchange charges different fees for its services. More information can be found on each exchange’s website.

Use a ERC20 wallet

To buy ERC20 through TrustWallet work like a regular bank transaction except they allow you to deposit and withdrawal money so that you can buy and sell ERC20.

It's very easy to use, create an address and make exchange right inside TrustWallet.

If you want to avoid fees on exchanges and wallets, then you can buy ERC20 fast and easy

History is filled with exchanges running away with users’ funds. For this reason, it’s best to move your ERC20 coins off the exchange once you buy and store your coins in a wallet you own. There are different types of  wallets, each offering unique features and benefits. For secure storage, wallets like the TrustWallet and imToken make it easy to protect your ERC20 or any other coins.

ERC20 Technologies 

Contact: cooperation@erc20.tech

Smart contract ETH Network:


Smart contract Binance Smart Chain


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 Founder Alex Ownagez