ERC20 transactions are secured by military-grade cryptography. Nobody can take your money or make a payment on your behalf. Strong level of protection against many types of fraud. Your ERC20 can be safely kept in your digital wallet on device.
Get a quick overview of ERC20 coin
Faster, less costly and more scalable than any other digital asset, ERC20 are used to power innovative ETH technology across the crypto payments space.
ERC20 holders can use tokens for sourcing liquidity in cross-border transactions, instead of pre-funding—ensuring instant settlement, lower exchange fees and more efficient use of working capital.
Payments moving across the blockchain less then in 10 seconds.
9 sec
5 min +
1 + Hours
3-5 days
ERC20 when used on a mobile device allows you to pay with a simple two-step scan-and-pay. All you need to receive ERC20 payments is to display the QR code in your ERC20 wallet app and let the other party scan your mobile. Sending ERC20 is as simple as sending as email.
ERC20 transactions are secured by military-grade cryptography. Nobody can take your money or make a payment on your behalf. Strong level of protection against many types of fraud. Your ERC20 can be safely kept in your digital wallet on device.
You just need the wallet address of recepients and then you can transact with them anytime. The ERC2O network is always running and never sleeps, even on weekends and holidays. ERC20 opens up a whole new world of innovations and possibilities.
Sending ERC20 across borders is as easy as sending them across the street. There are no banks to make you wait three business days, no extra fees for making an international transfer, and no special limitations.
They can be accepted by most exchanges instantly, from a technical perspective
Most Ether wallets can automatically store ERC20 coins
Holders of the ERC20 Token have the rights to sell or exchange tokens whenever they want
For the user, the acquisition, storage and subsequent sale of ERC20 tokens on exchanges or other wallets, is easy
High speed and cutting edge technology on the blockchain giving a reduction of risks in case of tech failure or time delays
There is no fee to receive ERC20, and many wallets let you control how large a fee to pay when spending.
Smart contract ETH Network:
Smart contract Binance Smart Chain
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